Hello Parents & Students. We are doing Summer School School online.
Your Summer School Teacher should have reached out to you via email or phone to inform you of how to login to the class. We are utilizing various programs, but the google classroom which most of our students are familiar will be the meeting place to access the summer curriculum.
Go to google classroom
Sign in using your school email and password. Once you are in, click Accept. If the plus sign + in the top right-hand corner, then enter the class code provided to join the class. There you will find the assignments and instructions provided by your teacher. Below is a list of teachers and their class access codes. If you have any questions please email your child's teacher.
Mr. Alaniz Kinder Class Code: ekv7av3
Mrs. Gonzalez Kinder Class Code: 3xfz42p
Ms. Muhammad First Grade Class Code: 4k5x37y
Ms. Hidalgo Second Grade Class Code: wdmxvbz
Mr. Moore Second Grade Class Code: mfeijli
Ms. Vreeland Third Grade Reading Class Code: hguv3g7
Mr. Castro Third Grade Class Code: urpzkmh
Ms. Sandifeer 4th Math Class Code: gv27xi4
Mr. Quirindongo 4th Reading Class Code: kzdnnbc
Mr. Stuer: Reading Class Code: 5cnk7z6
Mr. Tyykila: Math Class Code: vhzmglb
Ms. Donaldson: Reading Class Code: pdy2cj4
Ms. Broussard: Math Class Code: ms2e2da
Mr. Vehslage: Math Class Code: xfip5or
Special Education
Ms. Williams SpEd Support Class Code: f4tjx5e